Khimicheva Svetlana Nikolaevna

Platoshkina Tatiana Sergeevna
Общие сведения о факультете
03.36.02 - Animal Science
03.19.01 - Biotechnology
3.19.03 - Food of animal origin
05/36/01 - Veterinary
Directions of preparation of master's degree:
36.04.02 - Zootechnics
04.19.01- Biotechnology
04.19.03 - Food of animal origin
Department of Private Animal Science and Breeding of Farm Animals – Head of the department Shendakov Andrey Igorevich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Department of Biotechnology – Head of the department Pavlovskaya Ninel Efimovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.
Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery – Head of the Department Malakhova Natalya Alekseevna, Candidate of Veterinary sciences, Associate Professor
Department of food products of animal origin – Head of the department Лещуков Константин Александрович, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Department of Epizootology and Therapy - Acting head of the Department Skrebnev Sergey Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Veterinary sciences, Associate Professor
The faculty was founded in 1975. Every year, more than 200 students are enrolled in full-time and part-time education. The training is conducted by 60 teachers, including 39 candidates of science, associate professors, 14 professors, and doctors .
The training is conducted in accordance with the current federal state educational standards of higher education.
Advanced agricultural enterprises of the region are used as the base of production practices.