Average passing score
The average for the Russian Federation is 65.5*Budget places
Average tuition per year
Average in Russia 158 483*Total number of students
The average for the Russian Federation is 6,745*Number of teachers per 100 students
The average for the Russian Federation is 5.5*Faculties
About the University
FSBEI HE «Orel State Agrarian
University named after
N.V. Parakhin»
is a large scientific and educational center with deep traditions and unique
scientific and pedagogical schools

The University is a dynamically developing educational, methodological, scientific, educational and cultural complex of the Orel region. It includes an extensive structure of a multi-stage system of pre-university training, higher education, secondary vocational education, training of highly qualified personnel and additional vocational education. The University is leading scientific research in priority areas of science development and has created a number of scientific schools. It has a high personnel potential of scientific and pedagogical workers and modern educational and scientific, the material and technical base for the training of qualified specialists.
Currently, the structure of the University includes: 4 faculties, 2 institutes, including the Institute of Rural Development and Additional Education, a multidisciplinary college, an agricultural lyceum, 13 scientific and educational departments and laboratories are successfully operating, including 5 centers for the collective use (CCU) of scientific equipment, an experimental digital experimental farm, a competence center in the field of digital agriculture and the competence center in the field of organic agriculture.
The faculties and institutes include 25 chairs, 20 of which are graduate chairs.
Educational activities at the University are carried out in accordance with the license issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 16.11.2016. series 90L01, No. 0009537, registration No. 2468 and certificate of state accreditation series 90A01 No.0003538 dated 23.01.2020 registration No. 3324.
According to the license, the training is conducted according to:
- • training programs for mid-level specialists - 8;
- • bachelor's degree programs – 13;
- • master's degree programs – 11;
- • specialty programs – 1;
- • training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel - 7;
- •professional training programs – 20;
- • additional education programs – 129.
Educational activities at the university are carried out by highly qualified teaching staff, of which 164 people have the degree of Doctor of Sciences and Candidate of Sciences, which is 87.7% of the total number of teaching staff; 114 people have the academic titles of professor and associate professor - which is 61% of the total number of teaching staff.
The level of settlement of scientific and pedagogical workers is 87.63%, including doctors of sciences 19.6%.
The Orel State Agrarian University employs: 1 Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 5 Honored Workers of Higher Education, 3 Honored Workers of Science of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, 3 Honorary Workers of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, 2 Honorary workers of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, 1 Honorary Worker of youth policy of the Russian Federation, 1 Honorary Worker of Science and the higher school of the Orel region.
The Orel State Agrarian University employs: 1 Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 5 Honored Workers of Higher Education, 3 Honored Workers of Science of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, 3 Honorary Workers of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, 2 Honorary workers of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, 1 Honorary Worker of youth policy of the Russian Federation, 1 Honorary Worker of Science and the higher school of the Orel region.
In 2021, the average age of the teaching staff was 46 years.
Systematic work is being carried out at the University to improve the effectiveness of the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, in order to form an active scientist capable of winning grants, actively interact with the russian and international academic community of scientists and introduce new educational technologies into the educational process.
The material and technical base of the University allows us to raise the training of a modern specialist for the agrarian economy to a qualitatively new level.
Innovative Research and Testing Center for Collective Use (CCU)
The University has the necessary innovative equipment for the development, testing, production of new types of biotechnological products (food additives, biologically active additives, vaccines, enzymes, etc.) for preventive and therapeutic purposes.
To provide the educational process with modern equipment, business structures are actively involved, which, on contractual terms, provide equipment for safe storage with the possibility of using it for educational purposes in the Educational and Exhibition Center of the Orel State Agrarian University.
The Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Energy Supply has two John Deere combines, the Yenisei-940 combine harvester, John Deere and Belarus tractors, AMAZONE, Murska, LEMKEN agricultural machines. The students have the opportunity to complete their internship both training and production practice in the Scientific and Educational production Center «Integration» created on the basis of the University.
In the Orel State Agrarian University there are classrooms: of the companies «Rosselkhozbank», «Shchelkovo-Agrochem», «BAYER», «AMAZONE», «Rostselmash», «Big Dutshman», etc., equipped with modern multimedia equipment and textbooks on the company's technology.
The Scientific Library is the winner of the All–Russian competition of libraries of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.
The scientific Library is a complex, dynamically developing system focused on supporting the educational and research process, forming the core of the information space of the University, creating conditions for self-education and professional growth of its users. The qualitative composition of electronic information and educational resources allows scientific and pedagogical workers studying to receive authoritative and peer-reviewed content, work with means of individualization in online electronic libraries, and build a personal publishing career.
Each student is provided with access to one or more Electronic library systems (EBS) and Databases (DB): EBS «Lan Publishing House»; EBS publishing house «YURAYT»; EBS publishing house «IPR- Media», DB «Techexpert», etc.
Distance learning technology has been introduced at the University
In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, the University uses the electronic information and educational system for automating the management of the educational process of MMIS Laboratory LLC. It combines such information resources and platforms as the University’s website, the University's electronic library system with access to external EBS, e-Learning Server 4G. Also, for the convenience of students and teachers, a system of electronic schedules, electronic journals, personal cabinets of teachers and students, a distance learning environment, accessible via an electronic link from any device, has been introduced
The University has all possible hardware, software, organizational and methodological technologies for conducting distance learning. These technologies are widely used in professional retraining and additional education courses, preparatory courses for schoolchildren, as well as for the organization of independent work of full-time and part-time students.
The system of organizing and passing practical training of students of the Orel State Agrarian University is designed in such a way as to maximally orient a potential employer to specific graduate students, and provide students with the opportunity to master the competencies that the employer needs.
The development of a system of interaction between the University, agricultural enterprises and the business community in the field of agricultural education ensures the formation of a modern material and technical base, the creation of scientific and practical platforms for the organization of practical training of students.
Interaction with business partners is carried out in the following areas:
✓ creation of specialized laboratories and demonstration centers of resource-saving technologies of agricultural production; |
✓ organization of branches and basic departments in production; |
✓ organization of practical training of students with their subsequent employment; |
✓ provision of consulting services; |
✓ conducting research on orders of business entities of the agro-industrial complex; |
✓ raining and retraining of personnel, conducting training seminars and master classes; |
✓ development of technical regulations and conditions, testing of pesticides, agrochemicals and new breeding achievements; |
✓ reading of problem lectures by invited researchers and specialists; |
✓ employment of graduates. |
Currently, more than 270 agreements and agreements on cooperation and strategic partnership have been concluded and are in force, including about 10 agreements with educational institutions of the near and far abroad countries, more than 220 agreements with enterprises and institutions of the city of Orel and the Orel region and more than 40 agreements with enterprises and institutions of other regions of Russia.
The heads of large holdings, research institutes, and innovative enterprises not only pass on their professional knowledge, experience in organizing production, and team management to students, but also serve as a vivid example of achieving high results in professional activity.
The students have practical training in public and private organizations, acquiring practical work skills. They perform their tasks at a sufficient professional level with the use of theoretical knowledge gained in the course of training, many students receive awards and letters of thanks from the heads of enterprises.
Students from 33 countries of the world study at our university.
Orel State AgrarianUniversity is a permanent member of such international university associations as: Visegrad Association of Universities; Eurasian Association of Universities; Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
The international and interregional activities of the university are aimed at the development and achievement of the following areas: interuniversity and international cooperation; development of the quality of training of specialists through participation in international internship programs; participation in international scholarship programs; improvement of professional experience of specialists in foreign scientific and practical programs, etc.
Partners of the Orel SAU in international activities: the Public Foundation Demilge Kay Ji (Kyrgyz Republic); the General Lesson Educational Center (Uzbekistan); the Hayot Education Training Center (Uzbekistan); South Kazakh M. Auezov State University (Kazakhstan), Henan Hongxie Industrial Co., Ltd (China), Henan Altan Supply China Management Co. Ltd. (China) etc.
Student groups of various directions have been created on the basis of the University. A number of groups are engaged in volunteer activities. More than 1,000 students work in their ranks every year.
Members of student groups of the Orel State Agrarian University work in advanced enterprises of the Orel region. Student volunteers of the Institute of Civil Engineering «Vozrozhdenie» and «Restorer» are working on the restoration of Orthodox churches in the outback of the Orel region: The Church of St. Gregory the Theologian, the Church of the Korsun Icon of the Mother of God, the font in the village of Korsun, the Orthodox gymnasium in Bolkhov, etc. This helps to preserve the historical and cultural image and Orthodox traditions of the region, enriches the spiritual culture of students. The group «Vozrozhdenie» has repeatedly become a laureate of the All-Russian competition of student specialized groups of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.
The main goal of the Farmer's School project is to support young entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector at all stages of development: from the development of an idea to its commercialization, as well as to increase financial literacy among representatives of the farming community and assistance in obtaining grants for business development.
Opening ceremonies and awarding of diplomas to participants of the Farmer's School project
The All-Russian educational project "Farmer's School" is being implemented in the Orel State Agrarian University. More than 70 people, who want to create their own livestock farming in the areas of «Farmer-technologist of production and processing of small cattle products» and «Farmer-technologist of production and processing of products». became participants of the project.
Becoming a student of the Orel State Agrarian University, you will be able to show your creative and intellectual abilities in a variety of clubs and studios. The Cultural center of the University unites under its auspices more than 20 music, dance, literary, theater studios and collectives, organizes and conducts festivals, contests, exhibitions, concerts and other events.
An active and diverse student life allows students to develop their creative abilities. Student Council, Youth Center (Youth Center studios: choral studio, ballroom dance studio, theater studio «Option», pop vocal studio, performing arts workshop, historical dance studio «Noble Nest»), sports club, KVN, creative teams, volunteer movement «Volunteers of Victory» and much more are waiting for you. The doors of the Cultural Center are open to everyone.
Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin is a large scientific and educational center with deep traditions and unique scientific and pedagogical schools.
Research and development work is carried out in specialized structural divisions of the University: innovative research and testing center for collective use, including specialized research laboratories; CCU «Plant Genetic resources and their use»; CCU «Orel Regional Center for Agricultural Biotechnology»; CCU «Biotechnology of microclonal reproduction of potatoes»; SEPC «Integration»; experimental digital economy; student design and technology bureau «Istoki-Agro»; small innovative enterprises, etc.
Scientific research is carried out by the university in close cooperation with other leading scientific and educational organizations in Russia.
- The main directions of research and development (R&D):
- improvement of breeds, lines and herds of animals, development of environmentally friendly and resource-saving intensive production technologies, primary processing, transportation and storage of livestock products, systems to ensure the veterinary welfare of the industry and the sanitary quality of products and raw materials of animal origin;
- substantiation and determination of the optimal composition of the machine and tractor fleet, operating modes, technological maintenance, storage, repair of machines and mechanisms, as well as their working bodies;
- improvement of land management methods and development of environmentally safe and energy-saving technologies for agricultural construction in the conditions of agro-industrial production cooperation;
- improvement of various forms of ownership and management, working conditions and productivity in the transition to predominantly economic methods of management of the agro-industrial complex;
- ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas as a factor in the growth of the quality of life of the population.
There are 2 dissertation councils at the university
University staff annually receive more than 20 medals for participation and victory with promising developments in exhibitions and competitions of various levels (Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies «Archimedes», extended meeting of the headquarters for spring field work, Field Day of the Orel region, International Agro-industrial Exhibition «Voronezh-Agro», Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition «Golden Autumn» and others).
More than 28000 specialists have been trained in higher education programs at the Orel State Agrarian University.
Employment of graduates in 2022 amounted to 94%, more than 85% of university specialists are employed in the agro-industrial complex.
We are proud of our graduates!